Qubit Readout and Control and Qubit Control 8 channels (QRC & QC8)

We’d like to introduce you to our newest microwave modules, doubling the channel density for a more compact and efficient solution for both readout and control lines. Our new modules range from 200MHz to 10GHz. 

Thanks to RFSoC technology, these modules boast calibration-free operation, making setup a breeze. 

But wait, there's more! Say hello to our channel combine mode, offering an extended instantaneous bandwidth of 1.6GHz or two individually configurable 800MHz bandwidths. The choice is yours: sweep across a vast frequency range or get creative by multiplexing frequencies that are worlds apart.

Qubit Timetag Module (QTM)

Count on us for your optically addressable qubits! Meet our newest module, equipped with 8 configurable input/output channels to count photons and timetag with 20ps resolution. 

With its >20MHz repetition rate, the timetag module captures photons while suppressing dark counts through windowed acquisitions. 

Discover a variety of features to elevate your experiment. For instance, perform photon count-based feedback, and activate double analog thresholding to differentiate zero, single, and multiple photon occurrences. 

Or, configure a channel as an output to control on a 39ps time grid. Direct laser control has never been more precise! 

Pre-order the new QTM now

Upgrade to Qblox and get access to a world of possibilities in signal control and processing.

Contact us for more information on any of our products. We look forward to discussing your quantum experiments and advice on how our products can help you achieve your experimental goals.